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Hannah Almond

BA Hons Fine Art

Leeds Metropolitan University

I feel that the themes I am currently exploring will transgress very well into Manchester's student scenes, The street culture and music/club scene particularly, is something I feel I have a strong connection with. One thing I have missed greatly about England while study abroad is the student mentality of cities in places such as Leeds and Manchester. For the exhibition I propose to spend the weekend in Manchester making sketches, photographs and videos ready to come back to Leeds and create the paintings. These paintings will reveal what I feel appeals to the new generation of students in England in particular music and fashion.


This work continues with the same theme within the every day Manchester culture. Focusing on the working class and drawing attention to the almost anti fashion for people who struggled to even afford clothes on their backs.



- 1978

- As I am 'X' I remember or think I remember




Email -

Phone - 07539328070

- Documentation of Hannah' previous work.

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